When setting up your business, one of the most significant decisions you will make is which type of entity to form. If you have settled on forming a limited liability company (LLC), you must also choose the type of management structure it will have. LLCs can be member-managed or manager-managed. Being an LLC manager means having the legal authority to …
Ask Cari: Is my inherited IRA included in my child support and maintenance calculations?
What is considered income for child support and maintenance calculations during a divorce can be very complex especially when it comes to inheritance. The Illinois Supreme Court recently helped to uncomplicate one gray area when it held that mandatory individual retirement account (IRA) distributions and withdrawals are considered income when calculating child support and maintenance calculations In re Marriage of …
What Is Reverse Veil Piercing and How Should You Protect Against It?
Normally, limited liability business entities, which include corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs), prevent the entity’s creditors from going after an owner’s personal assets to satisfy their claims. But in rare circumstances, courts allow piercing of the corporate veil. When this occurs, creditors who win a legal judgment against the corporation or LLC may target the personal assets of a …
Child Support During High Inflation
In the first quarter of 2022, inflation is up over 8%, the highest since the early 1980s. With this high inflation rate, you are likely paying more for everything for your child – from gas in your car, to diapers and music lessons. Maybe you’re wondering if your child support payments can go up to match your increased costs. Unfortunately, …
Why a Trust Is the Best Option for Avoiding Probate
As Ambrose Bierce once darkly observed, “Death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate.” Obviously, ideally, when someone passes away, the paperwork and material concerns associated with the estate are so flawlessly handled (thanks to excellent preparation) that they fade into the background, allowing the family to grieve and remember in peace. In fact, the whole …
Estate Planning Considerations for Couples with Age Gap
With couples of similar ages, planning for the future is naturally a joint effort. However, if you are married to someone who is significantly older or younger than you, the future can look different and mean different things to each of you. To protect yourself, your spouse, and other loved ones, you need to have comprehensive financial and estate plans. …
Business Ownership and Divorce: What You Need to Know
Divorce is rarely simple. When two people’s lives are intertwined—physically, emotionally, and legally—separating the individual strands can be a task akin to untying the Gordian knot. The longer a couple has been together and the more they share, the more difficult this task becomes. It can be even more difficult if the divorcing couple co-owns a business or one spouse …
Illinois Prenups: What You Need to Know to Get Started
Do I need a prenup before I get married? No one gets married with the intention of getting divorced, but it is always a good idea to protect your rights and your property in the event that life does not goes as planned, regardless of your financial circumstances. Divorce is inevitably complicated, contentious, and unpredictable. In Illinois, the law requires …
Personal Guarantees: What They Are and When They Are Required?
Your new business needs a capital infusion to get off the ground. The only problem is that a new business is not established enough to have generated a business credit report. It may also be lacking assets that can be used as loan collateral. Without a business credit report or business assets, lenders cannot judge whether your company is a …
How Do I Change the Directors on My Corporate Board?
Corporate directors act as the governing body of a corporation. They manage the corporation’s business on behalf of the individuals who own the corporation. Directors serve on a board, and the board acts as a group to exercise the corporation’s powers. The board of directors makes major business and policy decisions for the corporation that are carried out by corporate …
Choosing the Right Beneficiary
While estate planning allows you the freedom to choose who will receive your money and property upon your passing, struggling to determine who should receive your accounts and property at your death may prevent you from starting the process. You should not let this stop you from creating an estate plan, however. Whether it is naming a person or organization …