Ask Cari: What Documentation is Needed to Sell Wine to Restaurants in New York?

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Put simply, a Wholesaler License (obtained via the Federal Basic Permit) is needed to sell to restaurants and other retailers.  The Federal government also requires the Wholesaler Permit. Cari and her team is here to help wine entrepreneurs with the Wholesaler License the Federal Basic Permit or other required wine permits and licenses.    Share this Article

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Are Your Trade Secrets Really Safe? 4 Steps To Safeguard Your Competitive Edge

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Intellectual Property, Trademarks Leave a Comment

A trade secret is a piece of information which is confidential, can be legally protected, and gives your company a competitive edge.  Lots of the most famous examples involve recipes: the formula for Coca Cola, McDonald’s Big Mac “secret sauce”, or that Mrs. Field’s chocolate chip cookie recipe that caused such a legal stir in the 90s.  But you don’t …

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Finding the Right Fit: Questions For Prospective Wills and Trusts Attorneys

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It goes without saying that estate planning is incredibly important and is more than just having a will or a trust. Estate planning offers a sense of security for you and your loved ones that your wishes will be carried out. With such an important and personal endeavor, selecting the right Wills and Trusts Attorney is crucial. Doing your homework, …

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5 Reasons Your Single-Member LLC Needs an Operating Agreement

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An operating agreement is a contract that controls your LLC’s operations as well as member interaction with each other and with the LLC. You may think that an operating agreement is not necessary for your single-member LLC – after all – why make an agreement with yourself? Is the Operating Agreement a Legal Requirement?  Most states don’t require an LLC …

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The Biggest Threats to Successful Estate Planning

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Poor estate planning is a recipe for disaster. Look no further than Dickens’ Bleak House—or a telenovela—to witness the tragedy and melodrama inadequate estate planning can cause. While having your estate planning documents prepared is the first hurdle to overcoming these types of disasters, there are several threats that lurk around the corner that might derail your wishes. Family Conflict …

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Ask Cari: Is a Bonded Truck Needed for Delivery of Wine in New York?

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When the entry port into the United States is not the intended, final location of the goods, merchandise must travel in a bonded status from the port of arrival to the intended port of entry. This process is referred to as “traveling under Immediate Transportation procedures,” and is accomplished by the execution of United States Customer and Border Patrol Form …

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Follow This 8 Point Plan When Starting Your New Business

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Starting a new business can seem overwhelming – especially when you’re doing it alone.  Creating a business plan will allow you to refine incomplete ideas, address areas you may have not yet considered, create a map so you know what to do next, and increase credibility for bank loans or investor funding. While you may think you’ve got your business …

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New York Family Law: What is the Cost of Living Adjustment?

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Cost of Living Adjustment (“COLA”) refers to when child support is increased based on the annual cost of living. If the cost of living, pursuant to the Consumers Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published annually by the United States Department of Labor Statistics, increases by at least 10% then an adjustment may be made. It is important …

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Newly Appointed Mediator and Child Representative for the Fourth Circuit

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I am very excited to announce that I have recently been appointed on the roster of mediators and child representatives/Guardian ad Litems for the Fourth Circuit in Illinois, which includes my hometown county of Shelbyville. I’m thrilled to be part of the team of professionals helping families navigate conflict.  I’m pretty passionate that the courthouse is not the answer to …

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Independent Contractor or Employee: It’s Very Easy to Cross the Line

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Many businesses prefer to hire independent contractors because there’s often less overhead and fewer expenses (i.e. taxes). However, classify an employee as an independent contractor and you’re in big trouble. Here’s how to legally differentiate between the two. Who Controls the Worker? This question is not always easy to answer.  According to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), evidence of …

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Our First Law Clerk: Behwal Rasul

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Behwal A. Rasul is a young attorney licensed to practice law in Pakistan. He did his L.L.B from University of London. After practicing law for a few years, he decided to pursue his studies. In May 2018, he graduated with an LL.M. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His major interests are corporate law, investment promotion, intellectual property, trade, constitutional …

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3 Tips For Every New Homeowner

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Congratulations on the purchase of your new home.  Whether this is your first home or an upgrade/downsize, the purchasing of a home is a big event in your life.  When these major life changes occur, it is important that you are properly prepared. Below are a few things for you to consider now that you finally have the keys to …

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