Balancing Parenthood, Work, Disabilities, and Family with Liz Nohren

Cari Rincker Co-Parenting, Podcasts, The Billable Mom Podcast Leave a Comment

The Billable Mom Podcast with Cari Rincker, Episode 14 Welcome to The Billable Mom Podcast with attorney and mother Cari Rincker. In each episode, Cari will speak with other Billable Moms about working motherhood and the struggles to juggle it all. Our time is precious, both at work and at home. Cari and her guests will explore time management tips …

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Balancing the Scales: Motherhood and Law with Quinn Dalan

Cari Rincker Co-Parenting, The Billable Mom Podcast Leave a Comment

The Billable Mom with Cari Rincker, Episode 09 In this episode of The Billable Mom, Cari speaks with Quinn Dalan, an attorney and the executive director of Yakima County Volunteer Attorney Services, a legal aid nonprofit organization. Quinn shares her journey from law school to becoming a “billable mom,” balancing a demanding legal career with the responsibilities of motherhood. Tune …

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Illinois Matrimonial and Family Law: Post-Secondary Educational Expenses

Cari Rincker Child Support, Co-Parenting, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law, Illinois Divorce, New York City, Rincker Law services Leave a Comment

Did you know that students with divorced parents in Illinois may be entitled to court ordered assistance with educational expenses by both parents? If you’re former spouse isn’t paying their fair share, read on to learn more about getting your child the help they need. How much support will a court order? Illinois courts have significant discretion to set the …

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Child Support During High Inflation

Cari Rincker Child Support, Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

In the first quarter of 2022, inflation is up over 8%, the highest since the early 1980s. With this high inflation rate, you are likely paying more for everything for your child – from gas in your car, to diapers and music lessons. Maybe you’re wondering if your child support payments can go up to match your increased costs. Unfortunately, …

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A Champaign Divorce Lawyer Shares How to Handle Text Messages in Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

Cari Rincker Co-Parenting, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

If you are dealing with the allocation of parental responsibilities in Champaign, it is important to acknowledge that evidence from text messages is critical for your allocation dispute. Plan on documenting and printing text messages so they show when they were sent, received, or even read. In this blog, a Champaign divorce lawyer shares how to handle text messages for …

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What you Need to Know About Filing for a Divorce in Champaign Illinois

Rincker Law Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Are you considering filing for a divorce in Champaign, Illinois? Here are 8 divorce tips that that may help you plan and file for your divorce. 1) In order to file for divorce, one spouse must live in Illinois for at least 90 days. 2) If both spouses cannot come to a settlement on their own; then a judge will …

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5 Divorce Resources to Help You with Your Divorce in Champaign

Rincker Law Co-Parenting, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law, Links and Online Resources Leave a Comment

Getting divorced can be quite overwhelming and stressful. One way to ease the stress of divorce is to utilize available apps and resources that can help make the divorce process a bit more organized and streamlined. Below are a couple of resources that may help you with your divorce in Champaign. Dtour.Life This is a great resource that allows all …

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A Champaign Mediation Attorney Explains How Mediation Can Assist with Parenting Time

Rincker Law Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Explains How Mediation Can Assist with Parenting time even in the best of circumstances, divorces can be problematic and contentious. When children are involved, they can get downright nasty. However, there is good news: Mediation can be a huge time saver when it comes to preserving child custody agreements and coming to a fair agreement about parenting time. What is …

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5 Useful Apps You Can Use for Effective Parenting and Co-Parenting in Illinois

Rincker Law Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Being a parent comes with lots of responsibilities. It is always a win to find ways to make the parenting and co-parenting process easier. Parents and co-parents have to wear so many hats; that have substantially increased due to the pandemic. Check out 5 apps that you can use for effective parenting and co-parenting in Illinois. Effectively manage day-to-day activities, …

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Communicating with Your Ex-Spouse During the Pandemic Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Rincker Law Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Communicating with your ex-spouse is a challenge at the best of times, but with the pandemic, it’s become more complicated than ever. For some former couples, this has meant an increase in disagreements and out-and-out fights. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. In times of uncertainty, it’s vital to communicate more than ever, manage your expectations, and adapt …

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What Happens When Co-Parents Can’t Agree on the COVID-19 Vaccine for Their Children

Rincker Law Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Most of the world’s population is awaiting an opportunity to have the COVID-19 vaccine. Nonetheless, there still remains people who are reluctant to receive the vaccination. What happens when co-parents cannot agree on whether or not their child should receive the COVID-19 vaccine? Instead of arguing about it, the better approach is to review the divorce decree and the custodial …

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How to Handle Make-up Time and Communication Issues During COVID Quarantine

Rincker Law Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Co-parenting after divorce is complicated at the best of times. With COVID quarantine problems over the last year, co-parenting has been become even more challenging. With so many people being sick and others doing everything they can to avoid spreading the contagion, regular parental visitation has become extremely difficult. This leads to communication issues between former spouses as well as …

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