Some Considerations for General Partnership Agreements

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Happy Post- Thanksgiving Break.  I ate a lotta turkey down in College Station, Texas over the weekend.  So I’ve been getting a lot of questions about partnership agreements lately.  A partnership arises when two or more people agree to share in the profits and losses of a business.  Oftentimes in business, especially in the food and agriculture industry, partnerships are …

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A Few Considerations For Stocker Cattle Contracts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

A stocker cattle contract is used when a cattle producer wants to hire someone to feed out the progeny through weaning. There are several issues to consider when a cattle producer hires a stocker feeder after the progeny are weaned. Here are just a few considerations for the stocker cattle agreement: • Feed and Nutrition: This section should include pasture quality …

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Farm Machinery Purchase Agreements

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Buying farm machinery is a long term purchase and there are multiple ways to go about obtaining the equipment: 1. Outright Sale: An outright sale occurs when the ownership is transferred to the buyer and the seller is paid in full at one time. 2. Installment Sale: The buyer obtains immediate possession and use of machinery, but seller obtains payment …

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Custom Feeding Arrangement Agreements

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

A custom feeding contract is between a livestock owner and a livestock feeder with market animals. The following information should be included in the contract: 1. Identification of Livestock: This includes type, weight, sex, and breed/color of the livestock. 2. Feeding and Nutrition: The contract should specifically detail the feeding regimen, including the type of feed, feeding schedule, access to …

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Livestock Leases

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Leasing livestock, rather than buying it, can be a better option for many farmers depending on the situation. Leases are available for different types of livestock and the agreement should include the following clauses: 1. Description of Animals: The lease should include how many of the livestock are being leased and descriptions of the animals, including any special identifying features. …

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Lawline Presentation: Overview of Common Agriculture Contacts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>   Here is the video of the presentation that I gave to Lawline this past summer on an Overview of Common Agriculture Contracts.  You can download the slides and the presentation materials that go along with this presentation and get Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) credits (for you lawyers out there) via Lawline here.  This …

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Overview of Agriculture Production Contracts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

An agriculture production contract is an agreement where a producer agrees to raise a commodity in a manner established by the contractor and to deliver the commodity to the contractor while the contractor agrees to pay the producer in return.  A commodity can include livestock, raw milk, and crops. Livestock may include beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, and swine, while …

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Livestock Purchase Agreements

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Purchasing livestock can be a complicated process, particularly when it comes to the agreement. Before signing a purchase agreement for livestock, whether commercial or seedstock, there are certain terms that should be included. For commercial livestock purchase agreements, the following terms should be part of agreement: Description of Animals: The type of animal to be purchased and description of the …

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Overview of Grazing Leases

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

A grazing lease is an agreement in which a landowner allows a tenant to graze livestock on the landowner’s property. For parties involved in these types of agreements, it is important to specify terms of the lease, which address the landowner and the grazer’s rights and responsibilities. Any type of contract should have basic terms in the contract, including identification …

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Presentation on Common Agriculture Contacts

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law, Slideshare Presentations, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

[slideshare id=64362431&doc=overviewofcommonagriculturecontracts-7-25-16-160725160412] I will be going through the above presentation for a live webcast this Thursday at 3:30pm ET via Lawline.  The recording will be available soon after my presentation via Lawline. You can register for the live webcast here. In this presentation, I will be discussing a few of the major contractual issues that affect production agriculture including agriculture production …

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Video Lecture on Protecting the Food & Agribusiness with NDA’s, Contract Management and Intellectual Property

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law, Webinars

I gave a presentation a few weeks ago for Lawline titled “Protecting the Agribusiness: Managing Contracts, Trademarks and Non-Disclosure Agreements.” The video and slideshare presentation are posted below but if you are an attorney I suggest getting Continuing Legal Education credit directly from Lawline by registering here. Lawline Presentation: Protecting the Agribusiness- Managing Contracts, Trademarks and Non-Disclosure Agreements from Cari Rincker

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