I Need Your Votes in the Best of the Barns Competition for “Best Livestock Lawyer”

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It’s that time of year again when I asked my beloved readers to take a moment and show their support.  Ranch House Designs, Inc. is having its annual Best of the Barns Competition and I have been nominated as the “Best Livestock Lawyer” (Question 18).  Voting closes on the 30th of the month (one vote per email address).  Last year …

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My Presentation at AALA Regarding My Technology Choices in My Law Practice

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I spoke at the American Agriculture Law Association‘s (“AALA”) Annual Agriculture Law Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee on my own technology choices in my law practice  You can view my presentation below. [slideshare id=14673383&doc=mytechnologychoicesinmyaglawpractice-121010142927-phpapp01] In case you missed it, this article in the American Bar Association (“ABA”) GP Solo magazine gives a brief overview of my technology choices.

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Member of the Technology & Research Roundtable

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Howdy!  I’m in Nashville, Tennessee at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Meeting.  I will be speaking tomorrow afternoon on technology in my food & agriculture law practice.  If you are at AALA, please make sure to come by.  You can find the full list of speakers here. In case you missed it, this article in the American Bar …

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Video Presentation from Texas A & M University, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Award Presentation

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I was in College Station, Texas last week at my alma mater receiving the Outstanding Early Career Award from Texas A & M University’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.  You can see the video here. I’m very proud to have gone to a program that upholds integrity and a code of ethics in addition to intellectual horsepower and discovery. …

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A Quick Review on Land Use Law

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I have enjoyed reading through the Harvard Law School’s Food Law & Policy Clinic’s publication titled “Good Laws, Good Food:  Putting Local Food Policy to Work for Our Communities.”  Section III (beginning on page 30) does a nice job giving a cursory overview of land use law. As the article correctly states, the authority to regulate land use is derived …

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Grow NYC Report on Greenmarket Farmers: “Farmers on the Edge”

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Last month, I had an opportunity to visit with someone at Grow NYC (who runs Greenmarket), who shared this report with me (funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation):  “Farmers on the Edge:  An Assessment of Greenmarket Farmers’ Needs, and the Growing Challenges of Keeping Their Farms Viable.”  I finally had an opportunity to review the report in detail.  It …

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Starting a Mobile Food Business?

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law 1 Comment

I love entrepreneurs, especially food and agriculture entrepreneurs.  I was reading this publication last week and enjoyed its discussion on mobile food businesses, which are taking off in metropolitan areas like New York City.  Mobile food businesses are more than just food trucks– it can include mobile farmers markets, mobile grocery stores, and produce carts.  Mobile food businesses have the …

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FDA & USDA Compliance Boot Camp for the Food and Beverage Industry

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The American Conference Institute will be having a “FDA & USDA Compliance Bootcamp” in Chicago on October 3-4, 2012.  Participants will receive a substantive review of a myriad of food and beverage law issues including: – Food ingredients and additives – Product labels – Food and beverage marketing and advertising claims -Food safety -Food imports -Inspections -Food and animal feed. …

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Registration Form Available for Local Food Law Seminar at Pace Law School

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The registration form is available for the Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) Seminar at Pace Law School in White Plains, New York on Monday, October 29th on a survey of local food law.  It is open to the public and the general admission is only $15.  There will be approximately 20 minutes or so of Q & A so come ready …

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My Path Becoming an Agriculture Lawyer in New York City

Rincker Law Ag Extension Education 7 Comments

Last month, I spoke to a group of Texas 4-H kids at a Texas A & M University via Skype about my work as an agriculture lawyer in New York City.  I was asked to share a bit about my path and how I become an agriculture lawyer in the Big Apple.  Here was my response: I grew up on …

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Food Law Webinar on Genetically Engineered Animals

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Food Seminars International (“FSI”) will be having a 90 min. food law webinar on September 5, 2012 at 2pm ET on Genetically Engineered (“GE”) Animals. Dr. Alison L. Van Eenennaam from UC Davis will be presenting on the following issues: (1) Current status of research and development in GE animals; (2)  Regulation of GE animals in the United States (including …

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Harvard’s Food Law & Policy Career Guide

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Big thanks to Jean Terranova (@JeanTerranova for you Twitter folks) for sending me the Food Law and Policy Career Guide by the Harvard Food Law & Policy Clinic and Harvard Food Law Society.  I think it’s an excellent resource for folks interested in a career in food & agriculture law. The guide briefly notes areas of concentration including agriculture, biotechnology/GMOs, …

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