Laws Regulating Wildlife in New York

Rincker LawEnvironmental Law

The goal of the Federal Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) of 1973 is to create conservation programs and incentive systems to safeguard the nation’s fish, wildlife, and plants.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“USFWS”) is tasked with overseeing ESA regulations.  New York’s various laws and regulations related to water pollution, waste management, and pesticides are tailored to protect wildlife, aquatic …

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Overview of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give a brief overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. …

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Overview of the US Department of Interior with Agriculture

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give a brief overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. …

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Overview of the USDA Agriculture Research Service

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give an overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. The …

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Distance Learning Option Available for Summer Food and Agriculture Law Course at Pace Law School

Rincker LawTeaching

I just heard some exciting news – the Survey to Food and Agriculture Law Course offered this summer will be available to folks all over the country (and the world, for that matter).  Pace Law School will be making the course available with a distant learning option, which will be more convenient for many of you who are on other …

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My Path Becoming an Agriculture Lawyer in New York City

Rincker LawAg Extension Education

Last month, I spoke to a group of Texas 4-H kids at a Texas A & M University via Skype about my work as an agriculture lawyer in New York City.  I was asked to share a bit about my path and how I become an agriculture lawyer in the Big Apple.  Here was my response: I grew up on …

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Appointed as Vice-Chair of a Special Committee for ABA Section of the Environment, Energy & Resources

Rincker LawEnergy Law, Environmental Law

Want something done?  Ask a busy person (or so it seems).  I was recently appointed to serve as the Vice-Chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”) Special Committee on Section, Division and Forum Coordination (“SDFC”) for the Section of the Environment, Energy and Resources.  (Whew- that’s a mouthful…)  I’m looking forward to working with the Special Committee delving into environmental …

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So What Exactly is “Sustainable Agriculture?”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Policy

Sustainability has been a big buzz word in agriculture over the last few years – but what does it mean?  In preparation for this presentation that I gave earlier this month, I found the “legal definition” of “sustainable agriculture” here.  Pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 3103, “sustainable agriculture” means an “integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific …

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ABA Journal & Blawg Directory

Rincker LawLinks and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

I have two very exciting announcements today.  First, this month’s  ABA Journal has an article on yours truly!  You can read the full article here. I’m very proud to be one of the few cowgirls in NYC (and I think the only agriculture attorney).  Thank you to all my family, friends, colleagues, support staff, “ag tweeps” and regular blog readers …

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Sunday Links

Rincker LawEnergy Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources

Happy May Day!  I have had a great visit in Illinois visiting Lake Land College and family.  Our pastureland grass is lush and green.  Illinois has been hit with a lot of rain this spring.  Dad *hopes* to plant corn next weekend.  Had a nice afternoon catching up on blogs.  Here are a few that caught my eye: 1.  April …

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Wind Energy Property Agreements

Rincker LawEnergy Law, Food & Ag Law

I came across a great article this morning by Jessica Shoemaker from the Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Inc. (“FLAG”) titled “Negotiating Wind Energy Property Agreements.”  You can find the article online here.  I also co-authored an article on wind leases that you can find here. If you are interested in negotiating a wind lease on your farm or ranch I …

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