Overview of the USDA Economic Research Service

Rincker LawUncategorized

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give an overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. The …

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Why You Might Want To Consider Virtual Mediation Via Skype

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution, Animal Law, Business/Commercial Law, Environmental Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, Mediation services, Rincker Law services, Social Media and Technology, Video Conferencing

I recently read this blog post and it made me think:  why would someone prefer “virtual mediation” via Skype or some other video conferencing tool?  Lots of reasons.  Here are a few: 1.  Travel Time/Expense. Perhaps you are a food or agriculture producer or agribusiness owner and do not live/work around New York City.  Or perhaps you live in New …

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Upcoming CLE on “Counseling the Local Food Movement”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

As I noted in this blog, I’m very excited to announce that the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee will be hosting a CLE webinar on Thursday, May 10, 2012 titled “Counseling the Local Food Movement:  What a Practitioner Should Know.”  This is a very substantive CLE that will be two hours. …

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Saturday Links

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Environmental Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

It’s been a busy week.  I have been catching up on my blog feed before heading to the gym.   This is what I found: This month’s Pennsylvania State Agriculture Law Brief has updates on the G-20 Action Plan, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the White House Rural Council. I excitedly received a Google+ invite this week from a respected family law …

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Next on the Bookshelf: Animal Factory

Rincker LawAg Book Club, Ag-vocacy

Animal Factory by David Kirby has been sitting on my Manhattan bookshelf for a few weeks.  The weather is so nice in New York City now that I am yearning for some time in Central Park with a book.  As the title suggests, the book is about “factory farming” and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (“CAFO’s”).  As I have noted previously …

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I am Thankful

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Agriculture Production, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology

I hope all my readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I spent the holiday here in NYC.  I am looking forward to visiting family in Illinois over the Christmas holiday. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to be surrounded by friends and family and be reminded of all the things in life you are thankful for.  It is also a nice day …

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Why Do You Think Broadband Is Important for Rural America?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Policy

I asked this question on Twitter last week.  Sometimes it is easy to take internet access for granted; however, there are still parts of the county, particularly in isolated rural areas, that don’t have access to broadband.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 appropriated $2.5 billion for broadband access for underserved communities.  Perhaps some of you have seen …

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