Custom Feeding Arrangement Agreements

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

A custom feeding contract is between a livestock owner and a livestock feeder with market animals. The following information should be included in the contract: 1. Identification of Livestock: This includes type, weight, sex, and breed/color of the livestock. 2. Feeding and Nutrition: The contract should specifically detail the feeding regimen, including the type of feed, feeding schedule, access to …

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Livestock Purchase Agreements

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Purchasing livestock can be a complicated process, particularly when it comes to the agreement. Before signing a purchase agreement for livestock, whether commercial or seedstock, there are certain terms that should be included. For commercial livestock purchase agreements, the following terms should be part of agreement: Description of Animals: The type of animal to be purchased and description of the …

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What Are Some Things That You Would Pay More For?

Rincker LawAttorney-Client Relationship

I enjoyed reading Troy Marshall’s article in Beef magazine titled “5 things I’d pay more for” (page 43 in the July 2012 issue).  Troy states that there are a few items he thinks is worth extra money including (his Top 5): 1.  Good genetics; 2.  Good people; 3.  Good equipment and tools; 4.  Good horse; and, 5.  Good boots. I …

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Animals & Agriculture Production Law & Policy Course

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy

Over the next few months I will be participating in an online animals and agriculture production law and policy course for attorneys coordinated by Prof. Drew Kershen from the University of Oklahoma, College of Law.  Prof. Linda Chezem, Elizabeth Rumley, Esq. & Rusty Rumley, Esq. will be co-teachers for the course.  The weekly course will discuss important animal agriculture law/policy …

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Spring Cleaning: Animal Handling Procedures in Employee Handbooks

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

I have written blogs/articles and have spoken on livestock animal cruelty law in New York and my various recommendations for building a defense.  Among them, I recommend that livestock producers have an employee handbook in place that enumerates recommended animal handling procedures and regularly train employees on those procedures.  An employee handbook is not a contract but is instead a general …

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New York Pet Shop Lemon Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Over the last few months, it has come to my attention that several pet shops in NYC are purchasing dogs from puppy mills, advertising the dogs as being “locally bred” and then selling the trendy dogs for a huge profit.  Several of these dogs are getting sick and sometimes dying almost immediately after purchase.  If this happens to you, it is …

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