How to Prepare for a Virtual Mediation in Illinois

Cari RinckerDivorce, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law, Virtual Mediation

There has been a significant increase in using virtual meetings for mediation. Virtual meetings can allow all the parties to meet in a timely manner without having to travel long distances or wait for times when everyone can be in the area at the same time. Virtual meetings work just as well as in-person meetings and can help the divorce …

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A Champaign Family Law Attorney Explains How to Tackle Difficult Divorce Topics

Cari RinckerDivorce, Family/Matrimonial Law

Divorce necessitates frank discussions concerning numerous touchy subjects. It can be difficult for one or both spouses to talk about these things but doing so is essential to make divorce a more constructive process. Negotiations become even tenser when children are involved. For instance, the divorcing couple needs to make critical decisions about the allocation of parental responsibilities, and it …

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A Champaign Divorce Lawyer Shares How to Handle Text Messages in Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

Cari RinckerCo-Parenting, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law

If you are dealing with the allocation of parental responsibilities in Champaign, it is important to acknowledge that evidence from text messages is critical for your allocation dispute. Plan on documenting and printing text messages so they show when they were sent, received, or even read. In this blog, a Champaign divorce lawyer shares how to handle text messages for …

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Learn How to Prepare for an Uncontested Divorce in Illinois

Rincker LawDivorce, Family/Matrimonial Law

The first step to determining what type of divorce will be right for you is to discuss it with your spouse and try to get on the same page. An uncontested divorce will only work if you are both on the same page. What is an Uncontested Divorce in Illinois? Uncontested divorce in Illinois means that both spouses agree on …

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Financial Considerations to Be Aware of Before Filing for Divorce in Champaign

Rincker LawDivorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law

If you are considering filing for divorce in Champaign, it is essential to be aware of the financial implications of divorce. The more prepared you are, the higher the chances are of a better outcome in your divorce. One of the most important things to consider is how will you manage financially if you get separated or divorced. The financial …

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Why Prenuptial Agreements in Champaign Are Becoming the Norm Amongst Millennials

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Prenuptial Agreements

There was a time when prenups were primarily for wealthy families or couples that were entering into their second marriage. However, there are many reasons why prenuptial agreements in Champaign are becoming the norm amongst millennials. In fact, according to a study conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), 62% of divorce attorneys revealed an uptake in clients …

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5 Divorce Triggers that Can Lead to Divorce in Champaign

Rincker LawDivorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law

Oftentimes, it is an “event” that leads to a divorce. The five most common divorce triggers are financial stress, infidelity, lack of communication, domestic violence, and growing apart due to different interests/hobbies. Financial Stress Can Drive Couples Apart Across the United States, couples have been finding that their money struggles can cause extreme financial stress that leads to a break-up. …

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A Champaign Prenup Attorney Explains Why You Should Consider Getting a Prenup Before Marriage

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Prenuptial Agreements

The months before your wedding are exciting. There’s so much to plan and anticipate, and if you’re wise, you’ll plan for your future well beyond the wedding date. One of the most critical things you can do to protect your future and that of your spouse is to consider a prenup before marriage. Schedule a consultation with a Champaign prenup …

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A Champaign Prenup Attorney Shares Some Situations When a Prenup is Useful

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Prenuptial Agreements

Having a discussion with your future spouse regarding the topic of a prenup can be a difficult one to bring up, but it is essential to protect your future as well as the future children. A Champaign prenup attorney can guide you through the process if you have questions. The best time to explore a prenup is before marriage, so …

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How to Communicate Effectively via Text Messaging During Your Divorce in Champaign

Rincker LawDivorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law

It is extremely important to have effective communication during a divorce and the way you communicate with your spouse will impact the outcome of the divorce. Learning how to communicate effectively via text messaging during your divorce in Champaign can save you time and money in the divorce and mediation process.  It can also lead to better results when it …

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5 Tips on Having a Smooth Divorce in Champaign

Rincker LawDivorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law

It is never easy to end a marriage, especially when children are involved. It is possible to have a smooth divorce in Champaign if you plan for it in advance. Consider Hiring a Divorce Mediation Attorney With a divorce, there are so many difficult factors to sort through: child custody, division of assets, living arrangements and so much more. An …

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What you Need to Know About Filing for a Divorce in Champaign Illinois

Rincker LawCo-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law

Are you considering filing for a divorce in Champaign, Illinois? Here are 8 divorce tips that that may help you plan and file for your divorce. 1) In order to file for divorce, one spouse must live in Illinois for at least 90 days. 2) If both spouses cannot come to a settlement on their own; then a judge will …

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