More Than a Handshake: Some Thoughts on Farm Leases

Rincker LawFarm Life, Food & Ag Law, Landlord-Tenant Law, Property Law

I make no secret on this blog that I believe farmers and ranchers should make sure to get contracts in writing, including farm or ranch leases.  I want to stress that this is just as important for a family farm where the Landlord and Tenant may be family members.  Even if the Landlord and Tenant are different entities (with the …

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Animal Law Mediation

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution, Animal Law, Business/Commercial Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Landlord-Tenant Law, Property Law

I was recently asked whether I handle animal law mediation.   And the answer is, “why yes I do.”  I am a previous member of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Animals in the Law, New Jersey State Bar Association Committee on Animal Law, and the New York Lawyers’ Association Committee on Animal Law.  I have also had …

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Types of Farm Leases: Cash-Rent vs. Crop-Share

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law, Landlord-Tenant Law, Property Law

Happy Friday!  Last week, I stumbled across Rusty Rumley’s powerpoint presentation on “Agricultural Contracts and the Leasing of Land.”  Rusty does a great job giving an overview of the building blocks.  He’s a great teacher — he was one of my instructors in this agriculture law course last year— and I suggest looking at his presentation along with other useful …

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Arguments Over Fencelines? Law of Adverse Possession

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Property Law

Sometimes farms and ranches may have fencelines up for generations and then one day a land survey will tell a different story.  An article by Jay Girvin in the July 18, 2011 issue of Country Folks reminded me about this potential issue affecting the agriculture community.  In these cases, the law of adverse possession applies.  This is a common law …

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Information for Landlords & Tenants in New Jersey

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Property Law

A few weeks ago, I participated in mediation training in Trenton, New Jersey.  While I was there, I came across some excellent pamphlets regarding landlord-tenant law in New Jersey.  If you are in a landlord-tenant dispute in New Jersey, I encourage you to pick-up either the “Information for Tenants” or the “Information for Landlords” brochure from the civil courthouse.  The …

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Looking Back: Two-Year Blogging Anniversary

Rincker LawAg Book Club, Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Production, Animal Law, Attorney-Client Relationship, Awards and Honors, Conferences and Meetings, Energy Law, Environmental Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Press, Property Law, Real Estate Transactions, Rincker Law Events, Seminars, Social Media and Technology, Video Blogging, Webinars

Seems like just yesterday I was driving across South Dakota with my dog Taylor before starting Rincker Law, PLLC and this blog.  It’s been a great ride so far.  Big thank you to my friends, family, colleagues, contract attorneys/legal assistants, clients and blog readers for all your support. It’s been a busy year indeed.  Over the last year, I am …

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Overview of State Laws Relating to the Amount of Space Given to Farm Animals

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Land Use & Zoning Law, Links and Online Resources, Property Law

I am speaking today in Atlantic City at the New Jersey State Bar Association’s (“NJSBA”) Annual Meeting on a couple farm animal law issues.  One of the topics that I will be addressing today includes an overview of state legislation/regulation over the amount of space given to farm animals. Seven states have had laws sponsored by the Humane Society of …

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Role of Buyer’s Attorney in Real Estate Closing

Rincker LawEnvironmental Law, Hazardous Materials, Land Use & Zoning Law, Property Law, Real Estate Transactions

I have had several real closings this week and was reminded this morning of this pamphlet from the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”) on the Attorney’s Role in Home Purchases.  Most of us will purchase property at some point in our lives.  The pamphlet properly describes the various responsibilities of the Buyer’s/Borrower’s attorney in real estate transactions including, but …

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