What Livestock Producers Should Know About the Veterinary Feed Directive

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

In June 2015, the Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) promulgated the second Veterinary Feed Directive (“VFD”) affecting livestock producers that use medicated feed and water. The final rule became effective in October 2015 transitioning Over-the-Counter (“OTC”) drugs to be VFD through January 1, 2017. This requires veterinarians to have a Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship (“VCPR”) and use a VFD to prescribe the …

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Upcoming Veterinary Feed Directive Presentation at Lawline

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

Happy Columbus Day!  I’m back from Oklahoma from the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Educational Symposium.  Hopefully you followed along with my tweets from the conference with a #AALA16 hashtag. If you missed my presentation on the Veterinary Feed Directive (“VFD”) last week in Oklahoma then I have good news for you.  I will be giving a webinar on …

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Oklahoma Bound this Week- Hear Me Speak in a Feedyard!

Rincker LawSpeaking Engagements

Exciting week ahead!  I will be heading to Oklahoma City, OK this week for the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Agriculture Law Educational Symposium.  I will be presenting this Thursday in the feedyard on the Veterinary Feed Directive (I think I should wear cowgirl boots, right? Like a true cowgirl lawyer…). If you’re at AALA, I’m looking forward to seeing …

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Overview of the Veterinary Feed Directive

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

The below presentation was prepared for the upcoming American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Educational Symposium to be held in Oklahoma City, OK. This presentation will be given in the stockyards on October 6, 2016. It first lays the background of the Veterinary Feed Directive (“VFD”) and then delves into the requirements of various stakeholders including (1) veterinarians, (2) livestock producers, …

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Upcoming Presentation at AALA on Veterinary Feed Directive

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I will be presenting at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Educational Symposium, October 6-8, 2016 in Oklahoma City on the Veterinary Feed Directive.  I’m super excited because my presentation will be in the STOCKYARDS on October 6th at 4:00pm.  Can we say Cowgirl Lawyer?  (I will be wearing cowboy boots…) I will be updating the below presentation that …

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National Agriculture Law Update

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law

Happy Columbus Day!  Had a great time in Tennessee last Friday as the Keynote Speaker for the Tennesee College of Law’s Agriculture Law & Policy Symposium.  Like true Cari Rincker style, I have a substantive outline from my presentation.  It’s on my JD Supra page here.  It covers a myriad of agriculture law issues including the 2014 Farm Bill, Waters of …

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Presentation on the Veterinary Feed Directive

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m speaking tomorrow in a livestock salebarn located in Maryville, Missouri to United Producers on the Veterinary Feed Directive (“VFD”) – the second rule was published in June 2015 and become effective this October. This presentation gives a brief overview of antibiotic regulation and then delves into VFD. Overview of the Veterinary Feed Directive from Cari Rincker

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Overview of Laws Regulating Antibiotics in Livestock & Policy Positions of Stakeholder Groups

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

[slideshare id=49755200&doc=citybar-antibiotics-150623210444-lva1-app6891] Last week, I gave this presentation for the Association of the Bar for the City of New York‘s Committee on Animal Law and the Health Law Committee.  I gave a few definitions (antibiotics, antimicrobials, vaccines, hormones, feed additives, residue vs. resistance), gave an overview of the regulatory system governing antibiotics used in livestock, spoke about food labeling law …

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Laws Regulating Antibiotics in Livestock

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Speaking Engagements

I am presenting tonight at the Association of the Bar for the City of New York on the laws regulating antibiotics in livestock used for meat and dairy before the Animal Law and Health Law Committees.  During my presentation, I will also discuss the positions of stakeholders in the industry such as the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, National Pork Producers, …

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8 Things You Should Have in Your Living Will

Rincker LawEstate Planning

If you have made a Living Will already, you have probably provided your wishes regarding artificial nutrition or hydration, CPR, and your views on organ donation.  However, there are many other specific types of treatment that may not be in your Living Will, but should be.  If you have not created a Living Will, or wish to revoke an old …

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Join the Convo: U.S. Farmers and Rancher Alliance’s Food Dialogues

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Policy, New York City, Social Media and Technology, Video Conferencing

Happy Halloween!  The U.S. Farmers and Rancher Alliance will be hosting another Food Dialogues on November 15th in New York City starting at 8am ET.  The event will be streamed live and you can also participate via WebEx. There are some great panels regarding the impact on the media on consumer choices, antibiotics in food, and biotechnology/GMO’s.  You can find …

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Completed the Beef Quality Assurance Producer Certification Manual

Rincker LawAgriculture Production, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations

As I noted in this blog a few months ago, I am currently completing the Beef Quality Assurance (“BQA”) training through the New York Beef Industry Council, Inc. Last weekend, I have reviewed the Producer Certification Manual for the Mid-Atlantic region (which includes Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Maine, New Jersey and Vermont).  After reviewing the materials, I …

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