How to Set Up Your Board of Directors

Cari RinckerBusiness Law

You might think that a board of directors is something that only big companies have, but all S corporations and C corporations—even small businesses—are legally required to have boards of directors. Specific rules for the board of directors are established in the corporate bylaws and other corporate documents. Some requirements for boards of directors, including duties they owe and when …

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What to Do When a Director Resigns

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Corporations are required to have a board of directors, which is selected by the shareholders. The board of directors helps govern the corporation, provides advice and counsel, conducts high-level management, elects officers, votes on key decisions, and protects shareholders’ interests. Corporate directors’ service on the board may be subject to term limits, however, a director may decide to resign from …

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Understanding Corporate Management: Who Is Really in Charge?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

When you decide to form a business, one legal entity type you can choose is the corporation. The corporation is one of the more complex but also one of the most trusted legal business forms. A key consideration is the way a corporation is managed: it has an intricate structure, built-in oversight, and a somewhat flexible ownership scheme. Corporate structure …

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Legal Structure of Farmers’ Markets

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Kudos to Erin Kee and Jason Foscolo for co-authoring this substantive article on the the choices of entities for farmers’ markets.  I’m teaching the undergraduate food law course at New York University this semester.  Today, I am lecturing on direct farm marketing and local food law.  Erin and Jason’s article was included in the “recommended reading” for today’s lecture. I …

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New York Business Structures

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Links and Online Resources

Over the weekend I stumbled across the materials from the First Annual Meeting of New York Agri-Women and reviewed this excellent article titled “Doing Business in New York State:  Structures and Strategies” by Bruce L. Anderson, Brian M. Henehan, and Charles J. Sullivan, Esq. Mr. Sullivan spoke on business organizations at the New York Agri-Women’s annual meeting.  If you have …

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