What You Need to Know about Severance Packages

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Employment and Labor Law

Business owners agree that people are the lifeline of a company. The people you hire can make or break your business. Yet as an employer, it is essential to recognize that things change. There are instances when you may have to terminate an employee. Developing a severance package is one effective strategy for dealing with exiting employees. A severance package …

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What You Need to Know about Elections and Your Business

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

With early voting already underway in some states and November 3 just around the corner, you may be wondering about your obligations as an employer to provide your employees the opportunity to vote. These questions are particularly important in light of the current pandemic and the high political tensions at play during this election. Here are three steps you can …

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Staying on Track: What Every Employer Should Know About Tracking a Remote Employee’s Time

Rincker LawEmployment and Labor Law

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a wave of new teleworkers. This shift in the way employers conduct business brings new challenges as they seek to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirement of paying employees for all hours worked. In response, the Department of Labor released Field Assistance Bulletin No. 2020-5[1] (FAB 2020-5) to provide additional guidance …

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Ask Cari: What are Legal Issues to Consider Before Hiring?

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Employment and Labor Law

Despite the challenges facing many businesses, some companies are still experiencing growth. If your business is expanding, you may find that it is time for you to make your first hire. As you begin this process, it is critical to note that expansion, while providing a great opportunity to increase productivity and scale, can also expose your business to additional …

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Recordkeeping Requirements for Business Owners during COVID-19

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

As state leaders attempt to develop guidelines for reopening safely, you may have questions about the requirements for maintaining a safe environment for your business. Specifically, you may be wondering how to document the steps you have taken if someone in your workforce is exposed to COVID-19 and tests positive for the virus. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) …

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Key Considerations for Managing a Remote Workforce

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Employment and Labor Law

The post-COVID-19 world will likely see a major shift toward companies maintaining remote workforces. Due to government-mandated business closures and stay-home orders, many owners and employees of small businesses have been forced to work virtually, and they have seen the benefits. Studies show that remote working increases productivity.[1] Large technology companies like Facebook and Twitter have announced that they will …

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Ask Cari: How to Legally Terminate an Employee

Rincker LawEmployment Law

Almost all business owners eventually must make the difficult decision to terminate an employee. Whether that decision arises from failure on the employee’s part or economic turbulence, one thing is clear: How a business handles this delicate situation can either increase or decrease the risk of negative consequences like lawsuits and unfavorable public attention. Here are the best practices to …

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Illinois Employment Law: What Issues Should Employment Handbooks Discuss? (Part 2)

Rincker LawEmployment Law

Here are a few suggestions for your employment handbook.. Remember that there is no one-size fits all.  Let Rincker Law help you tailor your employment handbook to your company. Vacation       Illinois law does not require employers to offer vacation benefits; however, if the employer has established a policy, promised, or contracted to provide these benefits, then it must. See 820 …

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Illinois Employment Law: What Issues Should Employment Handbooks Discuss? (Part 1)

Rincker LawEmployment Law

There is no one size fits all for employment handbooks but there are a few things that you should be sure your handbook discusses.   Here are a few pointers: Terms of Employment Open Door Policy Drug Free Workplace Policy Equal Employment Opportunity Polic Non-Union Status Statement Sexual Harassment Policy  Leave Policies Sick Leave Only a handful of states have their …

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Ask Cari: What Laws Affect Agriculture and Livestock Photographers / Videographers?

Rincker LawCopyrights, Food & Ag Law, Intellectual Property, Trademarks

Here is a presentation that I did on the topic for an upcoming lecture at Purdue on the topic: Laws that Apply to Agriculture Photographers and Videographers from Cari Rincker

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Legal Considerations When Hiring an Intern

Rincker LawEmployment and Labor Law

As a business owner, you may be considering starting an internship program for your company. Internships can be beneficial to both you as a business owner and the intern. Interns can receive hands-on training in their field of interest while assisting your company in reaching its goals. However, it is important to keep in mind the various legal considerations and …

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Ask Cari: What do I need to Know About Family and Medical Leave as a Small Business Owner?

Rincker LawEmployment and Labor Law

Federal law has required certain businesses to offer family and medical leave for decades. An increasing number of states have also enacted or considered passing laws requiring businesses to offer family and medical leave. For small businesses, these laws have distinct pros and cons. This article discusses some of the most important factors small business owners should keep in mind …

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