Save The Date: Local Food Law CLE

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy

With my work as the Chair of the ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee, I will be moderating a local food law CLE on May 10, 2012 from 2-4pm.  The purpose of this CLE webinar is to give the practitioner the tools necessary to properly counsel various segments of the local food movement.  You do …

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Hey Law Students: Interested in an Animal Ag Short Course?

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Are you a law student interested in learning more about agriculture law?  Prof. Linda Chezem from Purdue University’s Department of Youth Development and Agriculture Education, Attorney Beth Rumley from the National Agriculture Law Center, Attorney Rusty Rumley from the National Agriculture Law Center and Prof. Drew Kershen from Oklahoma University’s College of Law will co-teach a class titled “Animals in …

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So You Wanna Be An Ag Attorney?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Rincker Law services

My email has been flooded lately from folks who would like to be an agriculture attorney.  I hope to write an e-book on this topic addressing common questions such as:  (1) applying/choosing a law school, (2) learning about agriculture law, (3) finding connections in the agriculture legal community, (4) different agriculture law careers, (5) building an agriculture law brand and …

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Reminder To Register For Upcoming Crop & Livestock Insurance CLE

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Webinars

Dear Fellow Agriculture Attorneys (and Law Students): This is a friendly reminder to register for the crop and livestock/equine insurance law CLE that is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, 2012.  The CLE is hosted by the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee.  If you cannot attend the live webinar, a recording can …

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2012 NYSBA Committee on Animal Law Student Writing Competition

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law, Scholarship competitions

The New York State Bar Association Committee on Animals and the Law will be having its 5th Annual Student Writing Competition.  Papers must be postmarked no later than June 29, 2012 and cannot be more than 25 pages, including footnotes.  One hard copy and one electronic copy must be submitted to Kim Hojon, New York State Bar Association, One Elk …

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Upcoming ABA Crop & Livestock Insurance CLE

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Rincker Law Events, Webinars

As part of my new leadership role with the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee, I have been busy helping plan a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) webinar on crop and livestock insurance. This program will lay down the fundamental building blocks for practicing either crop and or livestock insurance law.  Please mark your …

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Will Be Speaking on Farm/Ranch Partnerships at the AALA Symposium

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Rincker Law Events

I will be a panelist speaking on partnerships on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) 32nd Annual Agriculture Law Symposium in Austin, Texas.  The name of the session is “Partnerships:  The Neglected, The Disaster and The Desirable Plan.”  We will be talking about partnerships with farms, ranches and agri-businesses. The moderator for the session is …

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ABA Agriculture Law Subcommittees

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As I noted in this previous post, I am the new Chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”), General Practice, Solo and Small Firm’s Division, Agriculture Law Committee.  You can join the Committee and the Discussion List here.  I have restructured the subcommittees as follows: 1. Ag ADR: mediation, arbitration 2. Ag Estate/Succession Planning, Family Law, and Taxation: estate planning,succession …

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Saturday Links

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Environmental Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

It’s been a busy week.  I have been catching up on my blog feed before heading to the gym.   This is what I found: This month’s Pennsylvania State Agriculture Law Brief has updates on the G-20 Action Plan, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the White House Rural Council. I excitedly received a Google+ invite this week from a respected family law …

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Animals & Agriculture Production Law & Policy Course

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy

Over the next few months I will be participating in an online animals and agriculture production law and policy course for attorneys coordinated by Prof. Drew Kershen from the University of Oklahoma, College of Law.  Prof. Linda Chezem, Elizabeth Rumley, Esq. & Rusty Rumley, Esq. will be co-teachers for the course.  The weekly course will discuss important animal agriculture law/policy …

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ABA Journal & Blawg Directory

Rincker LawLinks and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

I have two very exciting announcements today.  First, this month’s  ABA Journal has an article on yours truly!  You can read the full article here. I’m very proud to be one of the few cowgirls in NYC (and I think the only agriculture attorney).  Thank you to all my family, friends, colleagues, support staff, “ag tweeps” and regular blog readers …

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Monday Links

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Agriculture Education, Agriculture Production, Farm Life, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

I hope all my readers had a nice weekend.  After a tough workout, I was able to catch-up on my NetNewsWire Google Reader feed yesterday over a warm cup of coffee.  I thought the following posts were worth noting: 1.  I have worked as a legal consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”) of the United Nations in Rome. …

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