Lawline Lecture: Overview of New York Farm Animal Welfare Law

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

Brrrr… There is a blizzard here in New York City right now so I’m blogging away!  I will be Tweeting (@CariRincker) and Snapping (CariRincker) about the NYC snowstorm once I venture outside!  Stay warm… hot chocolate time!  Here is the video for the Lawline presentation that I gave in December regarding livestock animal welfare law in New York.  I first …

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My Article on New York Livestock Animal Cruelty Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

My article on “New York Livestock Animal Cruelty Law:  What if a Non-Police Officer Comes Knocking?” was published in the May 2015 issue of Grassroots newspaper published by New York Farm Bureau.  You can find the article on pages 20 and 25 here.  The article gives a brief overview of New York farm animal cruelty law, gives a checklist for …

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My Lawline Presentation on Livestock Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

I had a great time presenting last week to Lawline on a “Survey of Legal Issues Affecting Livestock Producers”.  I have included my presentation slides below. [slideshare id=47744828&doc=lawline-livestockissues-150504153516-conversion-gate02]

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My Presentation for Morrisville State College Equine and Dairy Students

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law

I had a wonderful opportunity this week to speak to equine and dairy science students at Morrisville State College via Skype on a select legal issues affecting the New York livestock industry.  I spoke about New York lien law, livestock animal cruelty law and business organizations.  I have included the presentation below. [slideshare id=15486068&doc=nylivestocklaw2-121204102537-phpapp01] New York Agri-Women had its first …

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Three Years and the Fun Keeps Coming…

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution, Awards and Honors, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Fridays with Cari, Interviews, Mediation services, Rincker Law Events, Rincker Law services, Seminars, Social Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements, Video Conferencing, Webinars

Happy Third Year Anniversary to this blog!  Seems like just yesterday I was writing this second year anniversary post.  Time flies when you are having fun!  It’s been an exciting third year of this blog.  Here are a few highlights: 1.  This law blog (“blawg”) made the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) Top 100 Blawg list.  Nominations for 2012 are right …

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Reminder About Working With A Veterinarian

Rincker LawAgriculture Production, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Pubs

I was reading the November/December 2011 Issue of the New York Beef Producer from the New York Beef Producers’ Association today. Ron Kuck, a New York Dairy/Livestock Extension Educator with Cornell had a nice article on page 28 regarding the importance of working with your herd veterinarian.  Kuck suggests working with a veterinarian to develop a “health management strategy and …

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Enjoyed Speaking to a College Equine Class Today via Skype

Rincker LawAgriculture Education, Rincker Law Events, Social Media and Technology, Webinars

I had a great time this morning presenting an overview of New York equine law to Prof. Sheila Marshman’s Equine Law at Morrisville State College via Skype.  I gave an overview of our legal system and explained how laws were made. I also gave an overview of livestock animal cruelty law, tort law (including nuisance, horseback rider’s release of liability, …

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Fridays With Cari – Upcoming Webinar Series

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Animal Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Rincker Law Events, Social Media and Technology, Webinars

Thanks to Ranch House Designs, there have been a few changes recently to  I would like to bring your attention to the new “Events” page located here. Beginning in November, I am starting a new webinar series titled “Fridays with Cari” that will focus on a myriad of food and agriculture law issues including New York livestock animal cruelty …

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Looking Back: Two-Year Blogging Anniversary

Rincker LawAg Book Club, Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Production, Animal Law, Attorney-Client Relationship, Awards and Honors, Conferences and Meetings, Energy Law, Environmental Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Press, Property Law, Real Estate Transactions, Rincker Law Events, Seminars, Social Media and Technology, Video Blogging, Webinars

Seems like just yesterday I was driving across South Dakota with my dog Taylor before starting Rincker Law, PLLC and this blog.  It’s been a great ride so far.  Big thank you to my friends, family, colleagues, contract attorneys/legal assistants, clients and blog readers for all your support. It’s been a busy year indeed.  Over the last year, I am …

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