Lawline Presentation on the Veterinary Feed Directive

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

I gave a presentation a few weeks ago on the Veterinary Feed Directive via Lawline. You can listen to the video below; however, if you would like to get a copy of my presentation materials (and get CLE credits for you lawyers!) then please register with Lawline here. I break this presentation into 2 parts:  (1) I review the background …

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What Livestock Producers Should Know About the Veterinary Feed Directive

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

In June 2015, the Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) promulgated the second Veterinary Feed Directive (“VFD”) affecting livestock producers that use medicated feed and water. The final rule became effective in October 2015 transitioning Over-the-Counter (“OTC”) drugs to be VFD through January 1, 2017. This requires veterinarians to have a Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship (“VCPR”) and use a VFD to prescribe the …

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Lawline Presentation: Overview of Common Agriculture Contacts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>   Here is the video of the presentation that I gave to Lawline this past summer on an Overview of Common Agriculture Contracts.  You can download the slides and the presentation materials that go along with this presentation and get Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) credits (for you lawyers out there) via Lawline here.  This …

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Overview of Agriculture Production Contracts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

An agriculture production contract is an agreement where a producer agrees to raise a commodity in a manner established by the contractor and to deliver the commodity to the contractor while the contractor agrees to pay the producer in return.  A commodity can include livestock, raw milk, and crops. Livestock may include beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, and swine, while …

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Presentation on Common Agriculture Contacts

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law, Slideshare Presentations, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

[slideshare id=64362431&doc=overviewofcommonagriculturecontracts-7-25-16-160725160412] I will be going through the above presentation for a live webcast this Thursday at 3:30pm ET via Lawline.  The recording will be available soon after my presentation via Lawline. You can register for the live webcast here. In this presentation, I will be discussing a few of the major contractual issues that affect production agriculture including agriculture production …

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Lawline Lecture: Overview of New York Farm Animal Welfare Law

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

Brrrr… There is a blizzard here in New York City right now so I’m blogging away!  I will be Tweeting (@CariRincker) and Snapping (CariRincker) about the NYC snowstorm once I venture outside!  Stay warm… hot chocolate time!  Here is the video for the Lawline presentation that I gave in December regarding livestock animal welfare law in New York.  I first …

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Panel Discussion on Sustainable Animal Agriculture

Rincker LawAgriculture Production, Animal Law, Food & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

Busy month with speaking engagements!  I will be heading down to the Lone Star state to moderate a panel at the 2015 Texas A & M Law School Law Review “Farm to Table Symposium” on sustainable animal agriculture in Ft. Worth Texas. Panelists include Dr. Shannon Ferrell, Beth Rumley, and Jim Bradbury. For those of you who are in Texas or …

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Video Lecture of Embryo Transfer Contracts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

Drafting Embryo Transfer Contracts for Livestock Producers from Cari Rincker In August, I gave a Lawline presentation on embryo transfer contracts.  You can view the webinar directly from Lawline here.  You can also watch the video lecture here.

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My Lawline Presentation on Embryo Transfer Contracts for Livestock Producers

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

The above is the video recording of my Lawline presentation on “Drafting Embryo Transfer Contracts for Livestock Producers.”  The outline for the presentation is here.  You can watch the video above; however, if you want Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) credit then you need to watch the program directly from Lawline here.  The powerpoint slides that go along with this presentation …

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Laws Regulating Antibiotics in Livestock

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Speaking Engagements

I am presenting tonight at the Association of the Bar for the City of New York on the laws regulating antibiotics in livestock used for meat and dairy before the Animal Law and Health Law Committees.  During my presentation, I will also discuss the positions of stakeholders in the industry such as the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, National Pork Producers, …

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“Agvocacy”, Social Media and Livestock Judging

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Social Media and Technology

I will be speaking on agriculture advocacy (“advocacy”), social media (including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, Pinterist, Google+,  Tumblr, Quora, YouTube, Instagram, FourSquare and About.Me), marketing online, and livestock judging at the Oneida County Cooperative Extension Office in Oriskany, New York on Saturday, April 6, 2013 from 10:00am to 2:00pm.  The cost for 4-H members is $10 and the cost for …

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Food Law Webinar on Genetically Engineered Animals

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Food Seminars International (“FSI”) will be having a 90 min. food law webinar on September 5, 2012 at 2pm ET on Genetically Engineered (“GE”) Animals. Dr. Alison L. Van Eenennaam from UC Davis will be presenting on the following issues: (1) Current status of research and development in GE animals; (2)  Regulation of GE animals in the United States (including …

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