Ag Law Today Episode 23: Hemp Law

Rincker Law Ag Law Today, Food & Ag Law, Podcasts Leave a Comment

Hear me talk about Hemp Law with Georgia Attorney Greg Smith in this episode of Ag Law Today.  You can find more information about Greg and his ag law practice here. Share this Article

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Ask Cari: How to Legally Terminate an Employee

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Almost all business owners eventually must make the difficult decision to terminate an employee. Whether that decision arises from failure on the employee’s part or economic turbulence, one thing is clear: How a business handles this delicate situation can either increase or decrease the risk of negative consequences like lawsuits and unfavorable public attention. Here are the best practices to …

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Zoom Guide for Lawyers

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While we are all doing the pandemic pivot, it has forced use of technology into our lives.  I know at Rincker Law, we are using both Zoom and GoToMeeting for client meetings, mediations and settlement conferences.  I helped create a Zoom Guide for Lawyers along with Mark Palmer and Julie King for the Champaign County Bar Association.  You can view …

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NY Estate Planning: Electronic Execution of Last Will and Testament

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Typically, a will must be signed in front of two (2) witnesses and other estate planning documents require a notary.  Now, due to social distancing guidelines, Executive Order No. 202.14 issued by Governor Cuomo states, in pertinent part, that witnessing can be performed via audio-video technology as long as certain conditions are met.  Similarly, under Executive Order No. 2020.7, so …

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In the House Bored? Cari’s Top 3 Tips for Getting Your Estate Plan Organized

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As I noted in this video blog, for those looking to accomplish something (important) from home during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, here are three things that you can do to get your estate planning documents up to date: Organize Your Documents One tip is to have an emergency document or “cheat sheet.” That way, all of your key information is …

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How You Can Keep Customer Data Safe

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In today’s data-driven world, small businesses often find themselves in possession of sensitive customer data. As the collection of data increases, customers grow more suspicious of the means and methods used to collect and store data. In response to this growing concern, we are seeing increased legislation pertaining to the collection, storage, and distribution of data. Laws like the California …

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Ask Cari: Does Your Website Need a Privacy Policy or Terms of Use?

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Conversations about data privacy policies and website terms of use have become more common in recent months. Large companies like Facebook,[1] Expedia,[2] and Dick’s Sporting Goods[3] have been involved in litigation involving agreements that address these very issues. The questions on most business owners’ minds are “What are these agreements?” and “Do I need them on my website?” Privacy policies …

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Doing the Pandemic Pivot: Consider Using “Virtual Mediation” to Resolve Your Dispute

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Boy, life has changed in the last month.  A client told me that it happened like an avalanche and I could not agree more.  I have been conducting meditations via Zoom and GoToMeeting  and it has been working great.  I have also been referring clients to virtual/online and they have had nice experiences so far.  Pandemics force us to change …

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Illinois Employment Law: What Issues Should Employment Handbooks Discuss? (Part 2)

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Here are a few suggestions for your employment handbook.. Remember that there is no one-size fits all.  Let Rincker Law help you tailor your employment handbook to your company. Vacation       Illinois law does not require employers to offer vacation benefits; however, if the employer has established a policy, promised, or contracted to provide these benefits, then it must. See 820 …

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Illinois Employment Law: What Issues Should Employment Handbooks Discuss? (Part 1)

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There is no one size fits all for employment handbooks but there are a few things that you should be sure your handbook discusses.   Here are a few pointers: Terms of Employment Open Door Policy Drug Free Workplace Policy Equal Employment Opportunity Polic Non-Union Status Statement Sexual Harassment Policy  Leave Policies Sick Leave Only a handful of states have their …

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Ask Cari: 3 Things Families Should Consider During COVID-19 Pandemic and Shelter in Place

Rincker Law Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Our phones have been ringing off the hook during this pandemic – we have all been affected by this virus and it’s times like now that remind us about what is important in life.  Here are 3 considerations/ reminders during this time: Parenting Time During Shelter in Place- Most states have carve-outs during the shelter in place for parenting time.  Speak …

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Ask Cari: How to Choose the Right Business Lawyer

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A skilled attorney is a critical part of any business owner’s advisory team. Business attorneys are equipped to assist you in handling a variety of tasks that can protect you from potential legal and business pitfalls, in addition to solving existing legal issues. As important as they are to your team, finding the right business attorney may be challenging if …

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