Balancing Your Busy Professional and Family Lives with Liya Hussman-Rogers

Cari Rincker Interviews, The Billable Mom Podcast Leave a Comment

The Billable Mom with Cari Rincker, Episode 11 In this episode of The Billable Mom, Cari speaks with Liya Hussman-Rogers, Partner and Attorney at Lietz & Hussmann Rogers, LLP Attorneys at Law. Today, she brings her legal expertise to the forefront of environmental justice, advocating for sustainable practices and policies. Here are this episode’s key takeaways Liya’s Background: Liya Hussman-Rogers’ …

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Hear Cari Rincker’s Interview with Pace Law School

Cari Rincker Business/Commercial Law, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Interviews, Teaching, Virtual Mediation Leave a Comment

What was your path to law school? Did you always want to be a lawyer? When I was a very little girl, I wanted to be a lawyer but the truth was, I didn’t know many lawyers and I didn’t understand what they did. It wasn’t until I lived in Washington D.C. and interned in Capitol Hill in agriculture and …

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Interview with M.A. Granovsky, Author of “Poison Pill”

Rincker Law Intellectual Property, Interviews Leave a Comment

I recently got a chance to interview Maria Granovsky, the author of Poison Pill.  Maria is a patent litigator here in New York City.  Like every area of the law, intellectual property (patents, trademarks, and copyrights) very much affects the food and agriculture industry.  This book gives an inside look at patent litigation, from a big firm perspective. Maria uses her …

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Three Years and the Fun Keeps Coming…

Rincker Law Alternative Dispute Resolution, Awards and Honors, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Fridays with Cari, Interviews, Mediation services, Rincker Law Events, Rincker Law services, Seminars, Social Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements, Video Conferencing, Webinars 2 Comments

Happy Third Year Anniversary to this blog!  Seems like just yesterday I was writing this second year anniversary post.  Time flies when you are having fun!  It’s been an exciting third year of this blog.  Here are a few highlights: 1.  This law blog (“blawg”) made the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) Top 100 Blawg list.  Nominations for 2012 are right …

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My Interview with Texas A & M – Whoop!

Rincker Law Agriculture Education, Interviews, Press Leave a Comment

If you recall, I received my Bachelors of Science in Animal Science from Texas A & M University (way back in the day).  I was recently interviewed by Texas A & M University’s (“TAMU”) College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (“COALS”).  You can read my interview here. I’m very proud to be a Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2002.  Here in …

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Monday Links

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Education, Agriculture Production, Farm Life, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

I hope all my readers had a nice weekend.  After a tough workout, I was able to catch-up on my NetNewsWire Google Reader feed yesterday over a warm cup of coffee.  I thought the following posts were worth noting: 1.  I have worked as a legal consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”) of the United Nations in Rome. …

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Sunday Links

Rincker Law Energy Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources Leave a Comment

Happy May Day!  I have had a great visit in Illinois visiting Lake Land College and family.  Our pastureland grass is lush and green.  Illinois has been hit with a lot of rain this spring.  Dad *hopes* to plant corn next weekend.  Had a nice afternoon catching up on blogs.  Here are a few that caught my eye: 1.  April …

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Interview with Dr. Temple Grandin

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Social Media and Technology 2 Comments

I have previously noted on this blog my admiration for Dr. Temple Grandin as an animal scientist.  She truly is an extraordinary woman and has done so much for the livestock industry.  Last night, I was reading National Cattlemen’s Beef Association‘s (“NCBA”)Beef Issues Quarterly for Fall 2010 and on Page 23 there is a great interview with Dr. Temple Grandin. …

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Interviews with Ag Producers

Rincker Law Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

I have been active posting interviews with New York Agri-Women and NCBA Young Producer Council members on other blogs over the last few weeks.  In case you missed it, please check out my interview with: Cheryl Hellert, a Farm Credit East assistant from Albion, New York; Karen Barie-Keough, Cargill’s Northeast Region Retail Leader from Jamestown, New York; Diane Eggert from …

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New York Agri-Women Spotlight: Interview with Melkorka Kjarval

Rincker Law Interviews Leave a Comment

It’s been a fun week filled with interviews with New York Agri-Women.  Next up, is Melkorka Kjarval, who currently lives in Chelsea, a neighborhood in Manhattan, whose family is involved in production agriculture Upstate. Melkorka responded to my questions as follows: 1.  What is your connection with New York agriculture? My parents are farmers in Meredith, NY.  I am a …

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New York Agri-Women Spotlight: Interview with Erica Leubner

Rincker Law Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews Leave a Comment

The next spotlight interview is with Erica Quinn Leubner from Marietta, New York.  I had a great time getting to know Erica last week at the New York Agri-Women reception and tour.  I am particularly looking forward to visiting her family’s pumpkin patch next fall! Erica answered my questions as follows: 1.  What is your connection to New York agriculture? …

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