Episode 39 of Ag Law Today: Farm Divorces

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life

I had a great conversation with Meyer Capel shareholder Tristan Bullington, who is a talented family law and criminal law attorney.  He is part of the Bloomington, Illinois team.  You can hear the podcast here.

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Ask Kym: How Do I Co-Parent Amidst COVID-19?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

In the past few days, we have had numerous calls on this issue.  While there is no clear law as to what rules apply to parenting time and visitation during a pandemic like COVID-19, since this is an unprecedented global health crisis, I wanted to provide some suggestions to our clients and potential clients who co-parent.  Please remember that although …

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Virtual Mediation During COVID-19 Pandemic

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I have noted for years my ability to conduct meditations “virtually” via GoToMeeting or Skype.  I’ve been speaking to clients via GoToMeeting but I can also conduct meditations using this technology.  Of course, it is more productive to meet in person but a lot can still be accomplished by having these conversations “virtually.” For family law matters, I mediate both …

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Ask Kym: Factors Illinois Courts May Consider for the Allocation of Pet Responsibility

Rincker LawAnimal Law

After the seminal case of the Marriage of Enders, in 750 ILCS 503(n), Illinois law established the allocation of pet responsibility in divorces.  Here are a few of the factors that a court may consider: Who owns the companion animal; Who pays for the companion animal’s needs; Who takes care of the companion animal’s daily needs; Who walks/plays with the …

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Ask Kym: Can I Modify Spousal Maintenance in New York if I Have a Child in New Marriage?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Babies are expensive.  Getting married is expensive.  Having a wife is expensive.  All of these are considerations to be had when you have support obligations arising out of a first marriage.  Many people think that since the payor (the one paying support) has a “new family,” the obligation to the first spouse will cease.  This is not the case. In …

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NALC Fact Sheet: Custody and Visitation Issues for Divorcing Farm and Ranch Families

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

This is always a hot topic in divorce, but in particular with farm and ranch families.  I worked on Fact Sheets for family law issues affecting agriculture for the National Agriculture Law Center.  You can read my Fact Sheet on children issues including “custody and visitation” here.

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NALC Fact Sheet: Child Support Issues in Farm and Ranch Divorces

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Oooooh yes… good ol’ child support.  It’s a big issue in most divorces but this can be especially complicated with farm and ranch divorces.  Read my Fact Sheet with the National Agriculture Law Center on this topic here.  You can read all my Fact Sheets with NALC on family law issues with agriculture here.

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Equitable Distribution

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Equitable distribution (“ED”) is the allocation of the marital estate in a divorce. Importantly, not all states are equitable distribution states; instead, states like Texas and California are community property states. The majority of states are equitable distribution states, but it is important to confirm this with a licensed attorney in the applicable jurisdiction. In way of background, property in …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Spousal Maintenance

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Uncategorized

Spousal maintenance in some states is formulaic, while others rely on case law. In either scenario, there needs to be a determination of income (not assets). For most involved in farming and ranching or other kinds of agri-business, determining income is anything but straightforward. Typically, a spouse is required to pay for his/her health insurance after the divorce, but if …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Prenuptial Agreements

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Prenuptial agreements are oftentimes viewed as taboo; instead, farmers, ranchers, agribusiness owners, and food entrepreneurs should view prenuptial agreements like an insurance policy for a marriage. Nobody gets on an airplane thinking that it is going to crash, but you still go over the safety instructions. A prenuptial agreement simply notes the safety instructions in case the marriage terminates for …

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Horses + Divorces, Grapes + Gripes, and Romantic Farmer Prenups

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

I’m talking the intersect between family/matrimonial law and agriculture in Tiffany Dowell Lashmet’s podcast “Ag Law in the Field”.  I’m on Episode 4 and you can listen to the podcast interview here or download it via iTunes.  I talk about why I love prenups and Alternative Dispute Resolution with divorce, especially in the contest of agriculture. I also give some …

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Want to Hang Your Very Own Shingle? Upcoming CLE on Building Law Practice

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

I will presenting alongside two other attorneys on May 6, 2016 for a Lawline webinar titled “Building a Law Practice Brick by Brick” at 3:30pm ET.  Myself, Harlan York, and Daniel Gershburg will be answering the questions on how, why and should you open a law practice. The three of us will present on the following issues: • Steps lawyers should …

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