Save The Date: Local Food Law CLE

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy Leave a Comment

With my work as the Chair of the ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee, I will be moderating a local food law CLE on May 10, 2012 from 2-4pm.  The purpose of this CLE webinar is to give the practitioner the tools necessary to properly counsel various segments of the local food movement.  You do …

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What Happens in Mediation Stays in Mediation

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Because of my work on the Rule 1:40-12 Roster of Civil, General Equity and Probate Action Mediators in New Jersey (and recent mediation training in New York), I was reviewing the New Jersey Uniform Mediation Act this week.  I wanted to stress something to my readers that may or may not be clear:  (almost) everything that happens during mediation is …

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Will Be Attending the Second Annual New York Agri-Women Meeting & Agri-Tour

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I am especially excited for the Second Annual Meeting & Agri-Tour of New York Agri-Women around the corner.  Please check out itinerary for the Annual Meeting here and the agri-tour schedule in the Hudson Valley here.  You can register for both events by competing this form and sending it my way.  You can find directions to the Hyatt in Riverhead, …

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Hey Law Students: Interested in an Animal Ag Short Course?

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Are you a law student interested in learning more about agriculture law?  Prof. Linda Chezem from Purdue University’s Department of Youth Development and Agriculture Education, Attorney Beth Rumley from the National Agriculture Law Center, Attorney Rusty Rumley from the National Agriculture Law Center and Prof. Drew Kershen from Oklahoma University’s College of Law will co-teach a class titled “Animals in …

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So You Wanna Be An Ag Attorney?

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Rincker Law services 2 Comments

My email has been flooded lately from folks who would like to be an agriculture attorney.  I hope to write an e-book on this topic addressing common questions such as:  (1) applying/choosing a law school, (2) learning about agriculture law, (3) finding connections in the agriculture legal community, (4) different agriculture law careers, (5) building an agriculture law brand and …

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Recorded Version of Crop/Livestock Insurance Webinar Available

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Mediation services Leave a Comment

I want to thank everyone who participated in the Crop and Livestock/Equine Insurance CLE last month hosted the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s (“GP Solo”) Agriculture Law Committee.  We had a tremendous turnout.  Even though the webinar lecture time ran a bit short, I feel confident that attendees received their money’s worth with a …

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Follow My Tweets from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

I made it safe and sound to Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee, for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) Annual Convention and Trade Show.  I will be at Cattlemen’s College today and this tweet-up this evening with these awesome ag tweeps.  Tomorrow afternoon and evening I will be at the Young Producer’s Council (“YPC”) (@YPCBeef)  meeting and reception.  I’m also on …

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Taking a Moment to Tout the New York Peace Institute

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Each time I fly over New York City, I’m reminded how many people really live here.  I’m just one little light in this big ol’ city full of millions of little lights.  It’s quite beautiful to me, actually.  However, when so many people live in a densely populated area, there are bound to be a few disagreements.  That is where …

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Thank You To My Beloved Readers (and Voters!)

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A big thank you goes out to everyone who took the time to vote for this blog in the ABA Journal’s Top 100 Blawg List Competition.  If you haven’t done so already, I would visit the ABA Journal’s Top 100 Blawg list.  Food and agriculture law overlaps with almost every area of law.  Although I think this blog is pretty …

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2012 NYSBA Committee on Animal Law Student Writing Competition

Rincker Law Animal Law, Food & Ag Law, Scholarship competitions Leave a Comment

The New York State Bar Association Committee on Animals and the Law will be having its 5th Annual Student Writing Competition.  Papers must be postmarked no later than June 29, 2012 and cannot be more than 25 pages, including footnotes.  One hard copy and one electronic copy must be submitted to Kim Hojon, New York State Bar Association, One Elk …

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Overheard at a Bar on the Upper West Side

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Last night, I was having dinner at a bar on the Upper West Side.  I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation from the table next to me.  The gentlemen were (civilly) discussing a business partnership that had gone bad.  They had a “handshake” deal that started out with great dreams together (“You used to say ‘our’ and ‘we.’”) and somehow …

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Winner of the Best of Barns Competition for Best Agriculture Attorney

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Wow.  2011 was a great year (indeed). I hope that my readers had a wonderful New Year’s celebration with their family and friends.  I wanted to share some (more) exciting news:  I won Best Agriculture Attorney in the 2011 Best of Barns Competition.  Thank you to those of you who nominated and/or voted for me — I’m very humbled (and …

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