Overview of the USDA Economic Research Service

Rincker LawUncategorized

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give an overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. The …

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Overview of USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give an overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. The …

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Overview of the USDA Agriculture Research Service

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give an overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. The …

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Overview of USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give an overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who in U.S. food and agriculture. The Foreign Agriculture Service (“FAS”) is the …

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Harvard’s Food Law & Policy Career Guide

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Food & Ag Pubs, Fridays with Cari, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Links and Online Resources, Rincker Law Events

Big thanks to Jean Terranova (@JeanTerranova for you Twitter folks) for sending me the Food Law and Policy Career Guide by the Harvard Food Law & Policy Clinic and Harvard Food Law Society.  I think it’s an excellent resource for folks interested in a career in food & agriculture law. The guide briefly notes areas of concentration including agriculture, biotechnology/GMOs, …

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My Presentation on Tradition and Technology in Agriculture

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Farm Life, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Social Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements

Last year, I spoke at the New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB”) Young Farmers & Ranchers (“YF&R”) Leadership Conference in Upstate New York regarding “Tradition & Technology” within the agriculture industry.  I wrote this blog post last year summarizing my presentation; however, I thought I would revisit this topic today and post my presentation below.  Regarding tradition, you might also like this …

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So What Are Some of Your “Food Rules?”

Rincker LawAg Book Club

Hope you have a wonderful Fourth of July!  I just finished Michael Pollan’s book “Food Rules.”  It’s an extremely quick read.  I agreed with some and disagreed with others.  It got me thinking:  what are some of the “food rules” that my readers use? When I interned with the American Simmental Association (“ASA”) in Bozeman, Montana many moons ago, Dr. …

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So What Exactly is “Sustainable Agriculture?”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Policy

Sustainability has been a big buzz word in agriculture over the last few years – but what does it mean?  In preparation for this presentation that I gave earlier this month, I found the “legal definition” of “sustainable agriculture” here.  Pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 3103, “sustainable agriculture” means an “integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific …

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“Shared Challenges, United Goals”

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Speaking Engagements

I will be presenting tomorrow evening during the New York Agri-Women Annual Meeting on the “Shared Challenges” and “United Goals” of women involved in the New York agriculture industry.  I am oftentimes reminded on how divided the agriculture industry can be.  It’s not Big Ag vs. Small Ag.  Local Ag vs. Conventional Ag.  Organic Food vs. Food Inc.  We are …

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ABA Agriculture Law Subcommittees

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As I noted in this previous post, I am the new Chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”), General Practice, Solo and Small Firm’s Division, Agriculture Law Committee.  You can join the Committee and the Discussion List here.  I have restructured the subcommittees as follows: 1. Ag ADR: mediation, arbitration 2. Ag Estate/Succession Planning, Family Law, and Taxation: estate planning,succession …

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Saturday Links

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Environmental Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

It’s been a busy week.  I have been catching up on my blog feed before heading to the gym.   This is what I found: This month’s Pennsylvania State Agriculture Law Brief has updates on the G-20 Action Plan, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the White House Rural Council. I excitedly received a Google+ invite this week from a respected family law …

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Saturday Links

Rincker LawLinks and Online Resources

Had a nice Saturday afternoon catching up on my RSS Feed.  This is what I found: What are your thoughts regarding genetic biodiversity in our food system? The G-20 Agriculture Ministers made an action plan last week to help mitigate hunger & food price volatility around the globe. Let’s take the Taboo out of end-of-life conversations.  We are all going …

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